B-Fold...I have a corsett that should work for ya. Just breathe out and suck in when I pull the strings.
TTlpkg...saussage fest....that's gonna be another game. hehehe
Frisco...PRESSURE PRESSURE PRESSURE...the game's gonna be held up for YOU!
Dialtone...what is it with guys and how they like to see chicks in sexy stuff that's too small? Is it a bondage fantasy? LOL
Girls...thanks to all of you who have recently contributed and who are going to try to get pics to me by Friday.
Guys...you've all been great sending in your pictures...if there are any more men here that haven't contributed but want to, please send the pictures...us ladies don't mind saussage fests.
12 pictures of Elite's finest so far...Stromba and I still have to take ours, plus another 3 or 4 have been promissed and a few others said they'd try. I PM'ed a few people in the last day or so to light a fire under some butts here. The more pictures the better the game will be!
When the game is posted, should I list the names of everyone who contributed to the game or should it just be a blind guess for a day or so before listing names, or what? I hate making decisions!
IMO I think blind guessing might be kind of tough. But, I don't have a better suggestion either. I guess clues could be given if it is too difficult as the game progresses.
It's on you Puddles! You are just like Milton Bradley, if you put together and make the game you got to make the rules too! haha. J/K.
We can start out blindfolded...then be teased with hints and clues...then if no one cums up with the answer, we'll do the whole list.
Those sound like good rules for a game in the Sheets.
hehehe...I'm horny today. Took half a cialis last night before I went to bed and another half before lunch...Stromba's at work but I'm gonna attack him good tonight!
FC is right. My picture should definitely have a caption/disclaimer - something like:
CAUTION: Viewing this photo will have an aphrodisiac affect, make you feel tingly all over, make you wet with anticipation and will mysteriously make your panties drop to the floor. View at your own risk.