Well.. i still need to get my digital, then find someone to take it! My girlfriend has taking my pics! She is outta town ugh! Wet tshirt souns realll good Mrs P!!
Seeing as how us wives need to stick together, I think some tits with loads of cum on them would work to stick us together. Besides, I did ask for some creative pics and well...that's certainly cumming under the creative category.
And take a new one of your chest, please! Purrrrrrrrrrrty please. Kronk, I don't remember ever seeing your chest...but I do remember the lovely Kronkette's. Yummy!
Kronk...don't listen to SOM...he's dillusional or something....or something is probably more accurate....listen to me instead...I'm certainly older and probably wiser...I dunno...only thing I know is I've had a few too many tonight. Just post up...please.
And...yes, where is WIDELAT???? I wanna hear details of his weekend.