You're definately not 15% fat or else you'd appear much smoother everywhere else. I think you've got the wrong idea about how "visible" abs should be at a particular percentage too. I can quite clearly make out your abdominal muscles on your pics. Okay, they aren't all visible and they aren't carved either, but they are evident.
And kubes is right. You don't need any gear at the moment, especially D-bol, which will make you retain water like a camel. D-bol are okay for stacking with testestorone to get you hitting the ground running on a cycle for the first two or three weeks. Not ideal to run alone for a whole 8-12 week cycle though. You should respond very well to bulking naturally, at least for the next year or so. Concentrate on your diet, rest, and training first. I guarantee you'll add another 10-20Ibs of red stuff to your frame in 6-12 months, if you do it properly.