AAP Plat Hero Platinum Mar 26, 2005 #1 who gave this fool a pro card? He is actually 6 days out from a show in this pic. Oh wait, you thought that was him offseason? No, this is. The last time he actually made it onstage without withdrawing. No words necessary.
who gave this fool a pro card? He is actually 6 days out from a show in this pic. Oh wait, you thought that was him offseason? No, this is. The last time he actually made it onstage without withdrawing. No words necessary.
T tiger88 New member Mar 26, 2005 #2 fuck man id rather look like a meth addict.... i would like to see his "cliams" he makes in the gym with the wieghts he said he throw around.... also didnt he claim his arms were 25 inches?
fuck man id rather look like a meth addict.... i would like to see his "cliams" he makes in the gym with the wieghts he said he throw around.... also didnt he claim his arms were 25 inches?
M MattTheSkywalker Elite Mentor Platinum Mar 26, 2005 #3 dood looks like shit. Maybe time to give up and start a new career, for real.
pintoca New member Mar 26, 2005 #4 HGH can be such a baddddddd thing... Imagine the size of this guy innards...DAMN, his organs must be twice normal size... what a shame for the sport...
HGH can be such a baddddddd thing... Imagine the size of this guy innards...DAMN, his organs must be twice normal size... what a shame for the sport...
J jerseyart Jaded Seal of Approval Platinum Mar 26, 2005 #5 Damn The shit people do to themselves And the more people who see things like this, the more the anti roid antagonists will gain in standing
Damn The shit people do to themselves And the more people who see things like this, the more the anti roid antagonists will gain in standing
pintoca New member Mar 26, 2005 #7 The Red Dragon said: he's ruined his trunk Click to expand... More like his life...
Mr. dB Elite Mentor Platinum Platinum Mar 26, 2005 #9 AAP said: Click to expand... Look at the stains on his palms, hahaha! Did he forget to wear gloves when he was smearing on the shoe polish, or did he just touch himself too soon?
AAP said: Click to expand... Look at the stains on his palms, hahaha! Did he forget to wear gloves when he was smearing on the shoe polish, or did he just touch himself too soon?