Hi Becky, sorry i just see your post. I am never awake so early in the morning as you.
When i say your routine now looks oke i mean it is a good place to start. Gladiola mentions that you might work each major body part twice per week and this a standard practice. It is true that smaller muscles generaly take a bit longer to overcompensate (get stronger/bigger).
When you were trianing each bodypart 2X weekly, how much protein did you eat everyday? Your requriments would be higher training more often. Based on your stats your LBM is about 103 pounds. It is often said to eat 1.5 grams per LBM pound. Were you eating 150+ grams each day of high quality protein? (eggs, fish, lean meat).
Also, the amount of sleep each night is a improtant part here. Were you resting enough EVERY night? Not resting well will of course cause longer overcompenstion periods.
IF your answer to both these area is yes then maybe training each muscle once a week is right for you, but i think maybe you were not eating enought good protein. It really does make a difference. Sleep enough and eat enough protein and you may be ready to hit each muscle every 5 days. Little muscles like biceps probably would still need 6-7.
I am 6 feet and wiegh 202 pounds right now. I am about 16% bf now (yes i know, i am huge) This is about 16 years of iron lifting to get this size however.
From AAS i have some sides and some of them are perment. I have menioned before that i now have a voice like Kathleen Turner (an actress with a deeper voice) and before it was just normal women voice. Doesnt sound freaky, or "electronic" just sort of deeper (phone sex voice men tell me). I have a bit of a "happy trail" from the navel to groin. It is not much and i usually do not bother with it. I have a bit of a "unibrow" now i must pluck often. Also my clitoris is bigger then before, but still looks normal, just a little bigger then when i was younger. So everything still looks/sounds normal, just different then before. AAS abuse can certainly cause perment changes that do not look normal.
I eat about 6 times a day (so should you to gain!). I eat about 320 grams of protein per day and about 4500-5000 calories each day. My diet is basically just the same every day so i do not have to track my eating to know how much protein/carb/fat i eat each day.
Write out a high cal diet for yourself with enough protein, but preferably no more then 25% calories from fats. Build in some different meals to keep off boredom. Vary it. Remember on workout and cardio day to eat more calories, at least 500 extra i say. The only cardio i do apart from my leg workout (which is certainly cardio the way i do it) is ride my mountain bike maybe 2X a week. My bp is fine and my resting pulse is about 65-68, so i guess my cv fitness is oke. Your cardio work MUST be second in importance to your lifting if you want to build real size, like 15 pounds or more.
Prohormones ARE AAS. They are legal only becuase they were not sold as AAS before the steriod control act in the late '80s The are mild certainly, but are steriods. They suppress your endogenous prodcution of T (testosterone) and replace it. Tribex is very different. It does not suppress your T, but makes your body produce more of your own T. It is just a natural herb. I did not really think it would work, but a money return guarentee they had so i tried it....felt like a mild little AAS cycle actually. DEFINITELY hornier with it and recovery periods were shorter. $87 buys 5 weeks supply from the maker at biotest.com.
Get at least a year of solid training in your journal before thinking about AAS. You will make nice gains when you learn well what works for you. For progress checking, dont look for LBM increases more frequently then 1X per month. Have your bf checked and weigh yourself (preferably not your menses when you will be a little heavier anyway) every 4 weeks or so.
As you go on you will notice that some muscles will need longer to recover then others. This is normal and is one of the many things you will adjust for in your training.
Such a long answer.
Sorry but i try to answer all your questions. Hope i helped some and ask again if i can help more.