Wow, I feel GM's target mostly just my lower back, my hams feel it a little bit, but my hams barely seem to feel anything, except glute-ham raises, those fry em
This is one of the best exercises to develop your low back, glutes and hamstrings. To perform a good morning begin by placing the bar on your back in about the same position as you would a squat. The first thing to move during a good morning should be your hips. With a very slight bend in your knees, push your hips back and begin the descent. You should maintain a good arch in your lower back and keep your head up. Continue until your low back is about parallel to the floor and raise back up. You can use a wide, medium or close stance when doing a good morning.
im no doc....... but i was a trainer in high school....... here is one thing i will always remember.......... if you have something that hurts or even just looks or feels different on one side and not the other........ its probably not good. the body is billatter...... it should be a mirror image of the other side. so be carefull.
correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the basic goodmorning essentially the same as the romanian deadlift, except with the bar on your back.... that is you push your but back on the eccentric and then pull through with hams to do most of the work.
No, not exactly. The movment is close enough that it does dramatically increase my deadlift, but I wouldn't say it's exactly like an RDL. Of course there are several ways to do GMs too..
Bend knees??? The books i've seen said to keep it straight to isolate the lower back. I don't feel it in my legs, nor did I think you were suppose to. Am I doing something wrong?