My first exercises in each of these posted workouts...are goodmornings. I take a fairly wide stance mostly and take the bar fairly low on the shoulders. I do NOT bend over at all...I just push my butt back as far as I possibly can. My upper body doesn't get to parallel to the floor...but just goes over till it starts to round. You should feel these in your hams a ton!!!
I do a different variation every week:
seated, standing, wide stance, close stance, arched back, rounded back...etc...
I love them. I like doing bottom position GM's too. I set the bar height to where my shoulders would be if I were doing a deadlift...and GM from there...bottom position. Increase the deadlift without deadlifting.
Be sure and push your stomach out as far and as hard as possible to protect your back.
Its what you have on a summer morning....usually a saturday when you wake up without an alarmclock. The sun shine comes through your window and your girlfriend is snuggled by your side (or making you breakfast) and you have nothing to do for the rest of the day