BFL is more or less designed for bulking, quite high in carbs and as mentioned above low in fats....i'd say after CKD you would want to incerement your carb count gradually and not jump right ahead to BFL...but basically if you're looking for a maintenance diet you could work it out by yourself. Me personally i use several rules as guidance:
1) no mixing carbs and fats (only very low GI carbs i might consume with fats)
2) structure your carb intake around your actvities....kind of like TKD but now you're not at a calorie deficit level, but rather maintenance...if you're not active, then it's protein+fat (longer digestion, satisfying, more energety-efficient in inactive periods - 1g of fat=9cals)
also as far as your CKD might help if you post your calorie intake (it might be too low and your thyroid is suppressed, hence no progress...what about fat intake?!) and your activities (cardio, weights, stress, overtraining)...maybe you don't need to switch to BFL, although 14 weeks is kinda long..
hope this helps a bit