Generic MALE said:
I don't trust your glucose measurements-especially your T2 hours. What unit, what machine, are you using?
maybe I am stupid I just see no real point to this.
I was using 2 calibrated glucometers.
For example,
I took 2 samples,(fictitious)
Glucometer one with a reading of 60mg/dl
Glucometer two with a reading of 65mg/dl
As I specified and stated(And you most likely didn't bother reading), if the readings by both glucometers were off by more than 10%, I would repeat the whole reading again.
But an exerpt from my study:
"Blood Glucose monitors used:
Principal: CVS Prestige Smart system. Serial Number: 6429796
Back-up: Glucotrend 2. Serial Number: GH022114809
Every original 1st reading by the principal Blood Glucose monitor(CVS) was checked by the back-up Glucometer(Glucotrend 2) to eliminate inconsistencies. I set the bar at + or – 10% of the original reading. If more or less than 10%, I repeated the specific dosaging for the supplement or combination of supplements being tested. I also measured my bodytemp to see if some of the supplements possessed thermogenic qualities.
Thermometer: Philips SensorTouch. Accurate to +-0.1C Type: HF 37C CE 0344"
Since you obviously do no understand the principle of error gates I will explain them.
Glucometer one: 60mg/dl
Glucometer two: 65mg/dl
10% of 60mg/dl is 6mg/dl.
So, the error gate for the first glucometer reading is (54mg/dl - 66mg/dl)
10% of 65mg/dl is 6.5mg/dl
So, the error gate for the second glucometer reading is (58.5mg/dl - 71.5mg/dl)
Now, you have two error gates:
(54mg/dl - 66mg/dl)
(58.5mg/dl - 71.5mg/dl)
Since the reading for glucometer one: 60mg/dl was within BOTH error gates, the statistical probability of it being flawed was exceedingly low.
(54mg/dl - 71.5mg/dl): Final error Gate
Actual measurement: 60mg/dl
(54mg/dl - (34.28%) - 60mg/dl - (65.72%) - 71.5mg/dl )
From above, the actual variances can be re-adjusted to give the most statistically accurate reading using two simultaneous glucometers...its very easy.
60mg/dl - 6(0.3428) + 11.5(0.6572) = 65.501mg/dl or 66mg/dl
(truncated to the nearest whole number)
I did this for every measurement, so you can imagine the time it took.
And if you lack the foresight to see what a mathematical anatomical model of blood+nutrient flow would do for the science of supplementation than you really are stupid(no offense of course).