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Gman said:Be forwarned.. My friend developed CHRONIC PANCREATITIS from drinking GBL almost everyday for over 2 years.. he was not a drinker of alcohol (since he had his G) When he was taken to the hospital they asked him if he drank alcohol, he said no, told them that he drank GBL reguarly.. His doc concluded that his pancreatits was caused by the GBL - the body uses the same enzyme to break down GBL as it does alcohol.. as a matter a fact they claim that it took 100x more of the enzyme to break it down causing excessive stress on the pancreas, which caused a pancreatitis.. and that my friends if NOT something you want to live with.
Everyone thinks out kidneys and liver, but don't forget there are lots of other organs in your body..
i'm leaving this up for the more knowledgeable people out there, but that's the first incident i've ever heard of someone developing pancreatitis. NOW, are we saying the pancreas is breaking it up or the liver, because as far as i've read, GBL is MUCH easier on the liver than alcohol.
Fonz, Macro Huck?? anyone wanna shed light on this??? interested to hear their side of what happens.