I have a lot of things to say...
First, it was unanimously passed because we (georgia voters) had no idea there was even a bill proposing it. A constituant backlash is already swelling. It was all over the news last night. This IS going to be repealed either by the legislaters who enacted it or by their replacements after the next elections.
Second, I am going to tear my representative a new asshole.
Third, non Georgians need to understand that there is Metro Atl and there is the rest of georgia, those are two COMPLETELY different populations. Half of the people who live in metro didnt even live in the Southeastern US 10 years ago. This bill would have had very weak support by the 4.5 million people living in metro.
Fourth, like Betty White said in Lake Placid, "this is the part where, if I were a man, I'd tell [the government] to suck my dick".