New member
ok then. come to my town with high expectations of getting laid. get rejected by a swamp thing. have 4 swamp things around her laugh at you, and a further 5 swamp things refuse to meet your eye becasue they think you might try to pick them up.fistfullofsteel said:Gee, thanks for the positive input, you were a great help. Your logic is incredible.
freak out for a little while. blame the weather. blame your shirt. blame me. then go out again.
this time you get rejected by a fat hippo before you even ask her. get angry. try to get angry at her, and have her reject you before you open your mouth, so you cant even have a good rant. you just stand there looking at the hand. think about the hand for a little while. think about how many thousands of burgers have been lovingly cradled by the hand.
freak out some more.
go out again. be depressed. OBSERVE. start to understand human to swamp thing interaction. understand what drives the mind of a swamp thing. formulate your approach. then, approach a baby swampthing, or teenage orangutangottomus. finally make progress. be happy...for 1 second, when some other pick up artist cuts your grass, and steals the girl.
be upset. drink A LOT of alcohol. get into 200 fights. become the guy that would whoop bruce lee without even putting your cappuccino down. OBSERVE more swamp things in their natural habitat, eating their natural foodsource (mcdonalds) and drinking native liquids (bundaberg rum). watch the filthy snorters string many other men along, and see how the brain of non human piece of mammary swinging spam works. formulate another approach. try it out. get rejected flat out, because the wilderbitch is having a fat day. remind her that she has a fat day every day. fight the wilderbeast in front of everyone, and get your skull caved in.
go to hospital. fix skull. go out again. be mega depressed. drink lots of alcohol, and pop 3 Zoloft, 2 morphine sulphate, and an eccy tablet. look up at the sky at the full moon. debate whether or not to go out. go out anyway. get stabbed. by the wilderbeast. accidentally. go to hospital. say hi to your favorite nurse. get stitched up. go home.
go out again, armed with all your wilderknowledge. meet a tourist, fresh off the plane. apply your wilderknowledge on the unsuspecting tourist. pick tourist up in 4.37 seconds, have mad sex with her and her roommate ingrid, who tell you that you are unlike any man they have ever met, and htat they want to take you back to scandinavia to show you off to all their friends. look at all the fat local beasts of the night get miffed that one of "their" men was picked up by some out of town "sluts".
wave to goldendelicious...because youre in his world now