Ok all my gr8 fans on here. Love you all!
Here is the scoop;
Right now am still doing therapy 2x/day, 7 days/week but I have added in some general lifting with light weights.
Should be done with therapy in 2-3weeks then I will just do a basic full bod workout 3x/week, only on HRT doses of test and maybe a therapeutic dose of Deca. I mean like 200 mg/week.
The full bod workout will be for prolly 3 months if I can make myself stick with it that long.
Then comes the fun stuff.......
SL 5x5 modified exactly like Sterolizers current program. Will do the first 12 weeks on just the HRT and therapeutic deca.
Take one to 2 weeks off completely.
Right back on the SL 5x5 as above but with a cycle tossed in But undetermined as of yet.
Am researching this now.