This is no different from the crap that's been levelled against every other drug.
Y'all's outrage is, well, amusing.
I already had arguments with Rick Collins, et. al., about other drugs, which, according to him, were "REAL" drugs that were "REALLY" dangerous.
Apparently, he saw one too many "reefer madness" stories or "ecstasy brain hole" "research" and concluded that OUR drugs are good and their drugs are BAD.
It's funny, but the potheads say the same thing. I have ppl I know who snort E off of countertops, are Adderol addicts, have used everything under the sun but think steroids are "ewww." All of us need to band TOGETHER for SANE drug policy.
There are many of you right here who are never off of roids. You are addicts. Period. Just like the guy who uses coke every chance he gets. He has a job. You have a job. Both of you live lives and have psychological addiction to drugs which aren't physically addictive and don't have withdrawl symptoms. Opiates are different. Pot isn't addicting. There are plenty of people who can't get through the day without a joint, valium, all kinds of stuff. And, this type of behavior is what needs to be avoided.
Scaring kids away from steroids is good, but the truth would be better to do that. But, the bottom line is we need HONESTY about drugs, not bullshit. We have LEGIONS of kids using E every weekend because they KNOW from personal experience that the things they've heard about it are bullshit. And, they take risks in their behavior because nobody really knows what's in a street load of ANYTHING.
Hell, we have counterfeit boards here, shit from god knows where, exact copies of legit gear and who knows what it is? This type of situation is bullshit. The black market has created an unsafe climate for everyone. Even among heroin, the so-called "hardest drug," 80% or more of ODs, hell it's probably 80% for every drug, are caused by the addition of unknown adulterants to the drug. This is 100% caused by black market trafficking.
We are killing people with our nonsense. It is time to demand legalization, decriminalization for ALL drugs.