I never said juice is completely healthy.
However...if you read Government reports...Marijuana..can lead to paralasys, stroke, psychosis, heart problems, lung problems,depression, death. Dont FORGET ITS HIGHLY ADICTIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WERE ALL GOING TO GET ADICTED!!! DAMN!!!! RUN NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MARIJUANA IS THE SILENT KILLER!!!!!!!!!! MILLIONS OF PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD ROBING PHARMACIES AND LABS TO GET THEIR FIX!!!!!!! IT MUST BE STOPED!!!! BECAUSE OF EACH MARIJUANA PUFF YOU TAKE A KITEN DIES !!!!
And taking Vitamin C causes my dick to shrink too.
Vitamin D causes antenas to grow on my head.
Witamin B12 causes roid rage and for me to kill over 100 peopel on the road each day.
I agree...AAS use increases the chances for developing some types of ANDROGENIC TUMORS.....
Everything else lsited = BS
Arnold fucked up his heart with STEROIDS TOO!!!!! SO DID HIS EALDERLY MOM AND WHOLE FAMILY!