I am trying to increase my forearm strength/size. Right now I do wrist curls, and reverse barbell curls. I do reletively low weight and high reps. What do you guys do for your forearms, how much weight/reps, and how often do you work them?
it is said that forearms respond best to rep ranges in the 20-35 range. I like behind the back, reverse, and regular wrist curls, as well as farmers walk and hanging off a chinning bar as long as I can for grip. I pick two of these each workout and change periodically.
20-35 rep range? OUCH! after arms, I usually do 2-3 sets of wrist curls and reverse wrist curls with a barbell. following that, I hang on a chinning bar, or do leg raises for as long as my forearms can hold. after that, I get popeye's forearms.
The key to fore-arm development is that you shouldn't increase weight like you normally do, but instead LOWER weight each set a tiny amount in order to complete the same amount of reps. This will shred the dense red fibers
Fore-arms (at least grip strength) respond well to holding heavy weights for a prolonged time: