I used to run track collegiately, but generally speed is determined through genetics (the more fast twitch muscle fibers you have the quicker you can potentially be). One of the most overlooked things with speed is your shoulders. Try walking briskly without moving your arms and then moving your arms? Notice the difference. Your legs will follow your arms as you pump them. You'll also want to evaluate your sprint form (i.e. do get enough knee lift, do you keep your feet in planter? flexion, does your trunk stay stabilized, etc.) You can find tons of sites on the web describing sprint form. The lower your body fat, the quicker you're gonna be. Workouts were generally monday: longer hard sprint day /upper body weights (i.e. 6X300meters in about 45 secs with 3 minutes rest), tuesday: would be shorter stuff and PLYOMETICS and sprint form/lower body weights, wednesday: would be something more of a cardio day (i.e. we would have to hit ever step in beaver stadium in under 20 minutes), thursday: would be a repeat of tuesday/upper body weight workout, and finally friday: would be a slightly shorter than monday with less recovery time (i.e. 100's, 200's, 300's, and then occasional 400 with 1-2 minutes rest)/upper body weight workout. In the "preseason" we might cut the tuesday workout and make it a trunk (abdominal's ect.) day and do about an hour of medicine ball work. The cool down of the running portion would usually be a 6 60 meters striders and then we'd hit abs. If you had to incorporate one lift into your workout for speed I would highly reccommend the power clean. I don't know of anything better to build explosiveness. Thats alot to take it, but read about it on the web. I guess I should mention that football has a very close correlation with track in speed department.