Btw the left shoulder had the surgery done to it and now the right side needs it, not sure if you can see anything un-symetrical, but i think i see a little size decrease in the left delt vs the right delt, or it could be the camera angle. who knows.
all in due time, not with shingles covering my body and no I have no camera here, its at my dads. But maybe I will get my sick ass out of bed and train like a mad man for 2 weeks and go visit him.
Remember NYM no excuses but I have one very long cycle (tren only) under my belt the rest is all natty. Not saying your a juice despenser but youv got more under your belt then me. But I am game. Plus cycle 2 dbol, test, deca, var, and slin is 3 months away 2 long to make you wait.
BTW sick work on cutting down, and sorry about the shoulder, I have a torn rot. cuff right now its a bitch. Hopeing the yellow tops will take care of it because I get a cortasone shot every 2 months and the doc said no more.