sambee38 Chairman of Board Chairman Member Friday at 1:07 AM #11 I'm looking forward to reading your log. I think as a newbie you should try a total body workouts for the first few months.
I'm looking forward to reading your log. I think as a newbie you should try a total body workouts for the first few months.
Austin316 Chairman of Board Chairman Member Friday at 1:11 AM #12 Most all professional. Bodybuilders will do split routines. That includes guys like Rich Piana who were definitely on top of their game.
Most all professional. Bodybuilders will do split routines. That includes guys like Rich Piana who were definitely on top of their game.
Quadsweep Top 5 Jr. USA Lt/hvy weight Chairman Member Friday at 1:17 AM #13 Tell us more about what you're trying to accomplish and what do you been doing so far? Get your log up. Let's see what you're made of.
Tell us more about what you're trying to accomplish and what do you been doing so far? Get your log up. Let's see what you're made of.
BodyMonster34 Chairman Member Chairman Member Friday at 1:20 AM #14 bro LOG LOG LOG. That's the best thing you can do to get the best advice from us.
JasonPriest Moderator Moderator Friday at 1:26 AM #15 Over training really doesn't give your body a chance to recover properly. So it ends up being counterproductive.
Over training really doesn't give your body a chance to recover properly. So it ends up being counterproductive.
SteveMobsterG Moderator Moderator EF Logger Friday at 2:49 AM #16 No. Even the late Rich Piana (if you watch those videos as I did) did not do them 5x a day
MasonicBodybuilder Moderator Chairman Member Friday at 7:12 PM #17 Definitely not a good idea to over-train like that. You will cause injuries between tendons, ligaments, joints, and muscles. Just not worth it. The time you grow is when you are resting so you need to give your body that time to recover.
Definitely not a good idea to over-train like that. You will cause injuries between tendons, ligaments, joints, and muscles. Just not worth it. The time you grow is when you are resting so you need to give your body that time to recover.
ballin2504 Chairman Member Chairman Member Yesterday at 2:51 PM #18 Maybe to get a final pump but not everyday