FitFossil said:....
You said "she's pissed off with her body" and wants to lose 15 pounds. 140 lbs @ 5'9" isn't heavy by a long shot, so perhaps it's not so much a weight problem, but rather a bodyfat problem. I used to always think I needed to lose 10 pounds to be happy, then I started training heavy. It really leaned me out, I traded bodyfat for muscle, gaining 10 pounds BUT dropping 2 pant sizes. Remind her that muscle is denser than fat.
Yeah, no kidding. I'm only 5'5" and I currently weigh 142 lbs but I can still see my abs. One of the first things I do when I have a woman come to me and tell me she wants to lose x amount of weight is try to change her perception of weight. It's not the weight that matters it's the body's composition! Who cares what you weigh if you look great. It's all about having a good amount of muscle with minimal fat covering that muscle, that is what having a sexy, toned body is all about. She needs to get the numbers out of her head. And I too would recommend tweaking the diet to lose fat rather than using fat burners. It's just better that way.
Most likely her diet is not as good as she thinks it is. In 99% of the cases I see, when women tell me their diet is good, it ISN'T. And when I hear "minimal fat", that throws up a red flag. That could be part of the problem especially if she is keeping her carbohydrates low as well. You NEED fat. She is probably not getting enough fat and probably not eating enough calories period. That is the most common mistake women make, eating too few calories and not enough fat. And that will put a halt on any fat burning. And the other very common mistake women make is too much cardio. Most likely she's eating too few calories and fat, and doing way too much cardio. So all her body is doing is burning the muscle and holding onto the fat to survive. 5'9" at 140 lbs is not very much muscle at all. Less muscle = less calories burned. Priority should be put on weight training to build more muscle in order to burn more calories even at rest, NOT cardio out the ying yang. Anyway, hope this helps.