Drink hella water
listen to
survivor-eye of the tiger
and we will rock you and we are the champions, it just helps
read articles of great sucess, that's how i did it
And I know you're not doing the same thing i was doing during my really really intense training , but I swore by the saying
''no opportunities''
don't ever let anyone get ahead or feel weak,
I'm a rower and all i do during a really intense erg test is say
I am the strongest person in this room and i'm gonna rip it up, say it to yourself in your head, even if you don't feel it say it
trust me, it works
and since you're trying to loose, try going for a long time like 45 min an hour, every few hundred feet or so, go for a hard ten strides, because every 90 seconds you're body get's a new power surge, so you can haul ass for like 5 seconds or so
hope this helps
listen to
survivor-eye of the tiger
and we will rock you and we are the champions, it just helps
read articles of great sucess, that's how i did it
And I know you're not doing the same thing i was doing during my really really intense training , but I swore by the saying
''no opportunities''
don't ever let anyone get ahead or feel weak,
I'm a rower and all i do during a really intense erg test is say
I am the strongest person in this room and i'm gonna rip it up, say it to yourself in your head, even if you don't feel it say it
trust me, it works
and since you're trying to loose, try going for a long time like 45 min an hour, every few hundred feet or so, go for a hard ten strides, because every 90 seconds you're body get's a new power surge, so you can haul ass for like 5 seconds or so
hope this helps