I want to also remind some of the people on here, and id say about 85%+ of you are NOT competitive bodybuilders/figure/fitness, and will NEVER step on stage, and then there’s the 50% who say they will compete or are “training for a show” (meanwhile they have been training for this so called “show” for the past 3-4 years..) and use this “show” as an excuse for why they are doing the drugs they are doing……
I do not for the life of me understand how competition should be the standard by which drug use is acceptable or not acceptable. I am an artist, I get paid EXTREMELY WELL for what I do, dropping a little acid every now and then could very well make me more creative therefore making me more money. Could I then sit back and say, "well, it is okay for me to do a hit or two a day because it makes me money but you are never going to make any money off of it, you just do it because you like it and you like the stuff you create while on it so it is not okay for you." Drug use is drug use and it is either okay or it is not okay - I don't see any gray area to it.