D djblaze111 Guest Jul 7, 2003 #11 deep squats baby, deeeeeeep, i don't know about the stairmaster, i think that would be more for toning, i could be wrong, definately some straight leg dead lifts.
deep squats baby, deeeeeeep, i don't know about the stairmaster, i think that would be more for toning, i could be wrong, definately some straight leg dead lifts.
G guldukat Elite Mentor Jul 7, 2003 #13 spatts said: SQUATS & SPRINTS Click to expand... Ooo, ooo! The Lady Spatts hath a great idea here. Deep squats are mandatory, as I think would be deadlifts, but sprints are an excellent idea. Without fail, every good sprinter I've ever known--including me at one point--has very, VERY strong glutes, and usually the size to match.
spatts said: SQUATS & SPRINTS Click to expand... Ooo, ooo! The Lady Spatts hath a great idea here. Deep squats are mandatory, as I think would be deadlifts, but sprints are an excellent idea. Without fail, every good sprinter I've ever known--including me at one point--has very, VERY strong glutes, and usually the size to match.
FatRat New member Jul 7, 2003 #14 Did they have a strong butt because they where good sprinters ORRRRR where they good sprinters because they had strong butts....?
Did they have a strong butt because they where good sprinters ORRRRR where they good sprinters because they had strong butts....?
S spatts High End Bro Platinum Jul 7, 2003 #15 Both. ....and sprinting also develops the pelvic floor muscles to a superior level of strength and conditioning. Got milk(ed)?
Both. ....and sprinting also develops the pelvic floor muscles to a superior level of strength and conditioning. Got milk(ed)?
P pwr_machine New member Jul 7, 2003 #17 Everyday, a heavy squatter inadvertantly passes by a mirror or window and sees his or her reflection and says, "damn, where did that come from!?!"
Everyday, a heavy squatter inadvertantly passes by a mirror or window and sees his or her reflection and says, "damn, where did that come from!?!"
Toozee New member Jul 7, 2003 #18 I'm not sure if it's the talk of squats or the mention of female glutes, but I think I'm turned on.
P PolishHammer1977 New member Jul 7, 2003 #19 Squats, sprints. gm's and the hammer I been known to blow up booties lol
T t3c Guest Jul 7, 2003 #20 get married again, if i didn't work the first time surely her ass will get bigger this time on a more serious note...ATF squats...and pullthroughs with feet turned way out to emphasize glutes
get married again, if i didn't work the first time surely her ass will get bigger this time on a more serious note...ATF squats...and pullthroughs with feet turned way out to emphasize glutes