ok, I have a confession:
As you may have read in C&C, I have BAD A.D.D. and turn into a COMPLETElY impatient, absent-minded BITCH if I don't have my adderall (doctor's orders).
Sometimes, I don't find time to get to the pharmacy to pick it up before I run out or don't have my adderall for other reasons.
When this happens, I take LIPOFLAME. True story. I have been doing this off and on since it first came out. A bottle lasts me FOREVER bc I only take it when I'm out of adderall, but it is AMAZING how much the stuff helps my mood and helps me focus.
I know LIPOFLAME isn't marketed as a med for attention deficit disorder.... but it works WONDERS for me when I run outta my meds.
Just wanted to share. I think its neat-o.