20 whole eggs every day.
Now that's something I've not heard of ever on a bodybuilding board.
Now veggies and chicken along with them it's probably not worse than eating a pizza or whatever instead, but I'm going to go out on a diet board mod limb and say that is a cholesterol hazard.
I know egg yolks are high in vitamins and minerals but I'm just wondering why you wolf 20 egg yolks daily.
In a way I know that it's bad for you but it is so novel and shocking I also would like to hear why you thought as a bodybuilder this was a good idea, and if it works for you.
Also, I don't and have never done steroids, but as a person who eats 20 egg yolks/day I wonder if you get your blood tested and how it comes out? You have subjected yourself to a pretty cool experiment if your counts come out normal!