It's cheating plain and simple. I look at other women and admire sexy figures but I don't hit on them! It's like there is a line on the floor between you and that woman, once you pass it you have proven there is intent. Innocent flirting is acceptable, smiling laughing at some dumb asses stupid jokes, but if a man ever touched my wife I would put my fist thru his Fking' grill!! No thought involved.
Picture this, I am 6'0" 215 lbs broad shoulders and bench a measley 315, but I am still a more impressive specimen af man than most of the potbellied little fucks in this town. Anyway when my wife and I went out last I put up with these two pukes, friends of a friend flirting with my wife, smiling, joking, etc.. I went to the bathroom and when I came out these two guys were standing arround my wife and their two girls had left all I said was ," whos fucking skull have I got to crush now?!" and they ran like little girls.
Bottom line I would be floored if my wife even kissed another man let alone blew him, or worse. I think she would feel the same way and trust is a fragile thing it doesn't take alot to break it.
Your friend is a selfish, self-centered asshole who only cares about himself and what he wants to do. Like my dad used to say, it doesn't matter where you get your appatite, as long as you eat at home!