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bw1 said:1) Exaggerated...9/11 I remember, oh but of course we "deserved" it according to the "radical left" Put up the list of terrorist attacks against the we need to?
Strawman argument. no reasonable leftie argues that "we deserved it". not me either lol.
AAP got it right - it was the Christo-Fascist rigthwing that said the gays and promiscuity "...brought God's wrath upon NYC..." oollloooolloooo fucking tools
2) Yep, Bush wants to attack and prosecute innocent "citizens".
not the point. If they wanted to degrade the bill of rights and lessen civil liberties vs US citizens they should have made the case on the merits and not used the backdoor of "we need these tools vs the terrorists" and then use them vs US citizens in routine criminal cases.
3) Toast already..pass that along to the troops and their families. I think the will give you a different outlook to what's really going on there. If any one thinks the US military "can't" win in combat, their "mis guided". Funny how the left says "if we win in Iraq it's bad for us politically". Go terrorist
ur mixing apples and grapefruits. Conflating = bush/longhorn trying to tie 9/11 and sadaam and iraq together in people minds.
nobody said we cant "win" with military strength. but win what? do you know what the point of the surge was? The latest NIE says we're making military gains, and the surge and our Iraq involvement is failing and likely doomed.
nobody says "go terrorist", and also, according to our Intel Services, "al queda" and "terrorists" are a small part of the mess that we're fighting against in Iraq. But FAUXNEWS is doing its part to confuse the issues apparantly.
4) Iraqi terrorist, oh wait that's right there are no "Iraqi" terrorists, "nice" fellas", have been found trying to cross the Mexican border into the US.
see above
Talk about putting your head in the sand. Mav your a smart guy and at least can argue your side intelligently without the normal name calling. But, let's face the facts, we are in a war with Radical Islamic's who want to KILL Americans period. We need to stop them, we need to hit them hard. All they understand is force and their going to get it.
agree -
The talking heads have done a good job of confusing people into thinking if ur against the war in iraq you're against defeating terrorism. sad but oolllooollooolo -
Iraq was and is a diversion to the war vs terrorism. its like as if we bombed Iceland when Pearl Harbor was attacked. Iraq has little/nothing to do with defeating islamic terrorists. The NIE's have said we're helping them not hurting them by our involvement in Iraq.
You gonna believe them (CIA, DIA, State Dept, etc) or the Bush apologists and the talking heads on FAUX?
people on my side arent against war, they're against THIS war. A sad waste of time money and blood. Cheney's war profiteer buddies are pretty happy about things tho....
This isnt a black and white thing. even tho Bush "...doesnt do nuance..." ( ), thinking people must.
see my response in red above ...