BodyByFinaplix said:
Tiervervexx, nice avatar. LoL I still have a working copy of Final Fantasy for my old nintendo.
I never played the first one, but I did love the two released for the Super Nintendo. The U.S. FFIII was awesome.
Speaking of Poliquin, I seem to remember that quote and yes, I definitely think he's credible/a good source of knowledge.
I think soreness has a lot to do with stretching while under resistance as well.
Of course, it is possible to get very sore without any kind of real stretch; you've some experience with partials, and I know I have...very short ROM partials with lots of weight could sometimes leave me deadly sore in a particular bodypart.
If I remember right, though, partials only made me sore in certain areas, like pecs. In the grand scheme of things, pecs aren't used much in training the rest of the body--not the way delts are. This is an important difference.
I'm thinking that delts are used so much indirectly that they receive lots of "active recovery." I know that when I have a hard workout and am sore the next day, if I do a little light stuff, the soreness is almost completely eliminated.
Perhaps the shoulders' involvement in squats, deadlifts, rows, etc. functions in a similar manner, and also help prevent them from feeling very sore.