jsmac32raider said:So you think the 1/2 & 1/2 is cool, as long as it's just that one time in the morning and I'm pretty good on the saturated fats the rest of the day? Also, when everyone refers to "cutting", is that a general term for losing weight, or does it truly refer to more of a high rep, low weight training method to gain muscle stamina and definition?
You have to look at the ingredients of your half and half to determine that.. I'm sure it is no big deal though.
While cutting is generally losing weight, specifically cutting refers to the idea of losing body fat while maintaining lean body mass, thereby lowering your bodyfat percentage. It has nothing to do with a specific training method.. and no training method can give you definition or tone, the only thing that can do that is decreased bodyfat covering the muscle.. which is usually achieved by diet in conjunction with training.