Yeah, when I was in High School (1988) they had a pullover machine. All the older bodybuilding books say this movement is the best at expanding the rib cabe.
I never did pullovers in my adult lifting and at the peak of my lifting I had a thick and wide back.
I heard its bad for ya but technically every exercise gets flamed. I used to do them, they weren't too comfortable. I've seen it done once in my gym by an old man.
I perform barbell pullovers instead of dumbell pullovers. I use them for warm ups sometimes on upper body days and occasionally a working set. I can directly tell you that my pec minor has grown tremendously from them.
Polish - I don't even know what my pec minor is - maybe this is why (hehe)
I used to do em many years ago with a db - reasonably heavy with just a slight bend in the elbows and with my chest flexed as hard as possible and holding a really deep breath for the duration of each rep. Got to make sure you don't use the shoulders and arms too much - in fact concentrate only on using you chest and serratus for lowering and pulling the weight back up. Also I used to do it sideways over a bench - so that my ass and lower back were off the bench entirely and only my upper back on the bench - this way I could put my ass as low to the floor as poss and get a really massive stretch.
Great exercise!!! Its has been a while for me, but is an excellent movement for attacking the chest and lats. I like to grab the 120lb dumbbell and go to town.
The key is to sink the ass down when the dumbbell is in the bottom position behind the head. . .there will be an immense stretch.