That post was very intereting even though I did not fully understand the concepts...Physics has never been my strongest point!
I think a sybian is a double dildo, one for the kitty and one for the anus. Double penetration. But I stand to be corrected.
No its a rotating thingie, one for the c**t and the grafenburg spot.
Just has to do with, is it actually possible for time travel. Einstein said no although his work suggest, but godel came along and said that it was possible according to einsteins work, he then softened his position on it. Alot of physicists thought it was impossible up until recent research. Mallett at uconn is using these lasers to turn time into a loop, even Stephen Hawking has changed his position on this topic. Although everyone is still skeptical as to it actually working but the theory seems to make sense, although it wont be scifi sorta stuff. The discussions make for a good coffee convo some evenings. Really twists the mind.