I have this kid that I am training that has me completely stumped.
He can pull 405x12, 475x4, but the minute we put 500 on the bar he can't even break it off the floor.
You would think that he should at least be able to hitch it up for a single but no.
Thinking it was a head issue, I put kg marked plates on the bar so he had a harder time doing the math, but still the same thing.
I have even given him a set of straps (I really hated doing that) to see if I took his hands out of it, if it could be done.
Still nothing.
I was hoping anyone here could lend some thoughts on the issue.
He can pull 405x12, 475x4, but the minute we put 500 on the bar he can't even break it off the floor.
You would think that he should at least be able to hitch it up for a single but no.
Thinking it was a head issue, I put kg marked plates on the bar so he had a harder time doing the math, but still the same thing.
I have even given him a set of straps (I really hated doing that) to see if I took his hands out of it, if it could be done.
Still nothing.
I was hoping anyone here could lend some thoughts on the issue.