Just wondering which was better to consume after a work out Dextrose or Maltodextrin? I always have my shakes with Sunny-Delight, does this help or hinder the insulin spike?
if you are using insulin after your workouts then use straight dex if you have it. otherwise I do not agree with using what you are doing chugging down these refined sugars at all. sunny delight is straight up poison, have you read the labels?
They are very similar. Maltodextrin is a polysaccharide of many glucose molecules linked together. Glucose is just free form glucose. Their GI ratings and insulin release ratings are almost identical and can be used interchangeably.
If you are using insulin after your workouts, glucose is the best option as it is immediately absorbed and doesn't require any digestion.
Agree with steve here. Unless you are taking slin nothing can justify the intake of that quantity of simple sugars post workout or anytime for that matter.
It is important to realize that without exogenous insulin nothing you can ingest will provide enough of an insulin spike to create enough anabolism to make it worthwhile from a general overall health perspective. In other words unless you are using slin stay away from that amount of simple sugars - they are poison.