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Deodorant an Antiperspirant ?'s 
Someone (a guy) told me that deodorant and antiperspirants really do not work. That they actually make you sweat MORE, so you are continually using more of the company's product. He told me to stop using it for a week and I would be able to tell the difference. I work from home, so I tried it out, and I had mellon size, wet, BO marks under my armpits on my T-shirt....yuk
I then tried a product called "Crystal Stick" no aluminum chlorohydrate, 100% natural mineral salts, will leave an invisible protective barrier against ordor causing bacteria on your skin. Yes, it was invisible and that was about it. No difference at all. So, I am back to my Arrid XXX Ultra Clear, 24 hour protection. Somehow I am always wiping it off my black tops, and re applying it at least twice a day to avoid being wet and smelly
Could the fact that I am taking 125mmg of Synthroid for Hypothyroidism be making me sweat more? Any feedback would be great, especially since it is 90 degrees and sunny all this week.

Someone (a guy) told me that deodorant and antiperspirants really do not work. That they actually make you sweat MORE, so you are continually using more of the company's product. He told me to stop using it for a week and I would be able to tell the difference. I work from home, so I tried it out, and I had mellon size, wet, BO marks under my armpits on my T-shirt....yuk

I then tried a product called "Crystal Stick" no aluminum chlorohydrate, 100% natural mineral salts, will leave an invisible protective barrier against ordor causing bacteria on your skin. Yes, it was invisible and that was about it. No difference at all. So, I am back to my Arrid XXX Ultra Clear, 24 hour protection. Somehow I am always wiping it off my black tops, and re applying it at least twice a day to avoid being wet and smelly

Could the fact that I am taking 125mmg of Synthroid for Hypothyroidism be making me sweat more? Any feedback would be great, especially since it is 90 degrees and sunny all this week.