Hi all, ive got a question regarding delt training.
I train shoulders on a seperate day on there own and i never seem to have any soreness in my lateral delts. I get soreness in front delts a bit after a heavy chest workout and my delts overall seem to be lagging. This is what ive been following for a few weeks,
3 sets dumbell raises (8,8,6)
3 sets dumbell side laterals (12,10,8)
3 sets of barbell shrugs (12,8,6)
3 sets upright barbell rows (10,8,8)
My traps always have soreness, but never delts? Can you think of anyway i can switch this up to target delts more, or maybe add more volume?
I train shoulders on a seperate day on there own and i never seem to have any soreness in my lateral delts. I get soreness in front delts a bit after a heavy chest workout and my delts overall seem to be lagging. This is what ive been following for a few weeks,
3 sets dumbell raises (8,8,6)
3 sets dumbell side laterals (12,10,8)
3 sets of barbell shrugs (12,8,6)
3 sets upright barbell rows (10,8,8)
My traps always have soreness, but never delts? Can you think of anyway i can switch this up to target delts more, or maybe add more volume?