Sorenson was convicted in Tazewell County, Ill., when he was 17 of having sex with a 14-year-old girl, said Northville Township police Lt. Greg Rhodes. His troubled past had nothing to do with the murder, Worthy said.
I don't even know WHY you're asking a question if this is good or bad.. ?
this dude was 17 years old a minor when he slept with a 14 year old.. sure not the classiest thing in the world.. but not horrible.. not disgusting.. not by any means uncommon..
I can't believe some of you saying he deserved it.. good riddence etc.. wtf..
He was 26 years old when this murder happened.. so 9 years ago.. he had sex with someone underage.. he wasn't even an adult.. having a sex with a minor.. was just two minors..
he didn't rape her.. he had sex with her... shit happens..
I think what these two fucks did is absolutely disgusting.. his being a sex offender and this murder aren't even SLIGHTLY related.. open your fucking eyes people..
these were two sick fucks premeditating murder.. they tortured him.. and they CUT HIS HEAD OFF WITH A HACKSAW.. fuck is that ever some sick twisted shit.. these two little punk asses should fucking fry..
I find it gross, that anyone questions if this is right or wrong.