I am not disagreeing that a leaner athlete is a better athlete in some sports, especially ones where the goal is body propulsion. In sports where there are collisions, like football, like boxing, like wrestling, like mma one must also look at momentum. This is also mass dependant, so if a 240 runs into a 300 pound guy if they are both traveling the same speed the 240 pound guy will absorb most of the energy from the collision.
power is the rate at which energy transfers from one body to another, also it is the work done over a given time interval. Energy and work are related by the work energy thereom so that the work done is equal to the change in kinetic energy with respect to time.
power =
where E stands for energy in this case we are speaking of kinetic energy specifically
so power =
d(1/2 mv^2)
So you see the power function increases exponentially albeit not due to the mass, it is only the magnitude of the function. So i should have been clearer, sorry
power is the rate at which energy transfers from one body to another, also it is the work done over a given time interval. Energy and work are related by the work energy thereom so that the work done is equal to the change in kinetic energy with respect to time.
power =
where E stands for energy in this case we are speaking of kinetic energy specifically
so power =
d(1/2 mv^2)
So you see the power function increases exponentially albeit not due to the mass, it is only the magnitude of the function. So i should have been clearer, sorry
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