Eating disorders & "ratios" aside, I've been through several pregnancies and found that during the whole process, I would crave or desire different foods at different times. Starch in the first couple of weeks, protein after the first trimester, lots of fat toward the end... etc.
Babies are built in stages - like skyscrapers

- and you made need different types of nutrients at different times during the process.
Remember that you are going to need to actually gain fat weight (not just baby weight) to support nursing. Your blood volume goes up during the first couple of weeks - which is why you may feel hotter than normal, and why your BP may elevate slightly. This increased blood volume also causes "weight gain".
You don't want to deny yourself anything, because it may contain a particular nutrient that is absolutely vital for the baby's development.
The best advice I can give, having had a couple of 'em myself, is take your prenatals and make sure every carbohydrate counts. Worry more about making sure you get what you need - protein, EFA's, phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals, than not eating what you shouldn't.
If you want to eat carbs - make them high fiber, nutrient dense, whole grain carbs. Eat fruit instead of sugar sweets.
Don't worry about ratios now - just make sure you eat a well balanced, WHOLE food diet with your supplements. If you have cravings after that, you should probably give into them.