I have been comsuming alot of dairy products on my diet, its just easier to eat dairy sometimes then other protein. Some people say it prevents you from getting cut, and i need to hear the response behind this!!!
look on the back of your carton of milk. There is both fat and sugar present... The fat usually is not too bad but sugar is always a no no when cutting.... UNLESS it is consumed immediately postworkout. if you are going to drink milk postworkout I would get the nonfat milk so you don't have fat floating around your system when the sugars in the milk spike your insulin...
i'd say get a food alergy test done
i know some people who are cut and drink tonnes of milk but i can't and they told me do u have lactose intollerence and i have so they said cut it out as it could hinder your cutting.
senior, i know that some people react differently to lactose, i am thinking that i dont get a high insulin response from lactose because when i first went on this diet and lose a few pounds i was consuming more diary then now and losing more, i just wanted to see if there was anything else in dairy besides the sugar to cause me not to lose weight, thanks!
generally the lower the BF the tighter the diet you have to maintain ... The sugars might be impacting you now becuase you have dropped bf... alot of the really ripped guys swear that it is hard to get shredded eating sugars and dairy....
An ounce on your salad once a day should not hurt... Try it for a solid week and post your feelings. This way we can all learn from your experience... That is one of the best things about this board...