cyclotren & havoc nice post. I have been getting good gains. First week stats were weight 183.7, fat% 22.7, bmi% 27.7 and muscle% 39.0. Second week weight 188.6, fat% 19.9, bmi% 28.4 and muscle% 40.5. Any suppliments are only as good as good training. I felt good yesterday so i lifted more weight i was deep squatting 315 on the smith machine pretty good. Veins were trying to jump out my skin lol. I benched 265 one time with a sore shoulder could have done more if i was 100% maybe 275 lol.
A good friend of mine told me wait until week 4 and your strength gains will go way up. Well listen i can't wait until it comes. I like the hypertrophy and i see so much separation in my chest, arms and shoulders.
I was looking through my gym bag yesterday and what do you know, i found 4 bottles of cyclotren and 2 havoc lol. Looks like i'm sitting pretty good!