bro up that fat intake!! im getting hungry just looking at how little fat u eat!!
u NEED fat for health reason! for testostrerone production! for nice smooth skin! there are essential foods, amino acics, which get from protein foods. and essential fatty acids, which u get from flax oil,hemp oil,peanuts(no. not honey roasted!),olive oil,avacados. i would stick with flax oil for now cause the damage u have done eating that low in fat the flax would bring your omega 3(its a really good fat) the highest in the shortest amount of time. then in about 6 months switch the oil to hemp oil.
u HAVE to eat them bro!
also can u get some protein powder or bars? 200g of protein is still low in my book! i would up the protein still to about atleast 270g, carbs, i would have them when i need them the most. in the morning,pre workout and post. have some oats and WHOLE EGGS in the morning eat your other foods(after u change the things i told u ) pre workout have some maltodextrin(about 40g) and protein shake made from egg,whey,milk proteins. and post workout have soime whey protein isolate, and dextrose if u cant get dextrose then just use grape juice(2 cups)..
hope i helped