New member
Plan is to take it to the next level. Size wise .
Week 1-11 t400( 200 Mgs/week)
1-11 eq 600 Mgs/week
1-10 tren e 200mgs/week
1-52 HGH 5iu post workout eod ( love this shit)
7-11 var or androtechnologies M1T ( yet to decide)
11-23 t400 (200mgs/week)
11-23 eq 300 Mgs/week
11-23 proviron 50 Mgs/day
23-30 test prop 150 eod
23-30 NPP 150 eod
23-30 EQ 600mgs/week
23-30 winny 25 Mgs/day, or epistrong (45-60 Mgs/day )..or maybe tbol but tbol and eq can equal real high bp in some.
Cycle is never set in stone, I adjust by how I'm feeling. This is just my " plan " which I will work around.
30-52 test cruise 150/week
1-52 need2guard
1-40 hcgenerate , ES, and hcg cycled back n forth
Fish oils, tb500 , and everything else imaginable health wise.
Plan is to get bigger stronger leaner And faster. And healthier.
4 weeks in and feeling pretty much like a beast. I love HGH and the addition of it into this cycle is already making itself apparent. Cardio is drastically improved. More than I ever recall in the past.
Pumps are explosive and skin bursting
And strength as of this last week is really climbing daily. No negative sides yet except I'm having a fuck of a time sleeping. But I think the HGH is keeping me refreshed,
Not tired, skin feels smooth as does hair and a good sense of well being.
I have nolva, clomid, letro , aromasin,
Caber and all sorts of other goodies at my disposal. I do also have T3 but don't really like it or how it makes me feel. Heaviest I've ever been was 217 and was pretty thick but fat started climbing. Currently at 212 and much leaner than ever... At this weight. its a 10 lb increase in 4 weeks thus far. Usually at this weight I have fat deposits around my lower chest which isn't too noticeable but still bugs me. This time I have 0 and my pants are getting looser, chest is flat and nips rock hard. shirts hang off shoulders but Measurements are going up! Minus waist
Joints are feeling really good too . Not in a masking way either, feels like my hip flexors and SI joints are looser than ever and back in place, they have been slightly twisted for over a year since a nasty snowboard bail.
Will pct when I feel ready.
Bloodwork and liver panel week 14
Donate blood as I feel the need to, I have ran eq for longer durations before and I know that high RBC feeling. It's uncomfortable .
Feel free to ask any questions.
I won't be updating often, but more so using this as a learning grounds for myself in the future along with other members.
View attachment 111573
Week 1-11 t400( 200 Mgs/week)
1-11 eq 600 Mgs/week
1-10 tren e 200mgs/week
1-52 HGH 5iu post workout eod ( love this shit)
7-11 var or androtechnologies M1T ( yet to decide)
11-23 t400 (200mgs/week)
11-23 eq 300 Mgs/week
11-23 proviron 50 Mgs/day
23-30 test prop 150 eod
23-30 NPP 150 eod
23-30 EQ 600mgs/week
23-30 winny 25 Mgs/day, or epistrong (45-60 Mgs/day )..or maybe tbol but tbol and eq can equal real high bp in some.
Cycle is never set in stone, I adjust by how I'm feeling. This is just my " plan " which I will work around.
30-52 test cruise 150/week
1-52 need2guard
1-40 hcgenerate , ES, and hcg cycled back n forth
Fish oils, tb500 , and everything else imaginable health wise.
Plan is to get bigger stronger leaner And faster. And healthier.
4 weeks in and feeling pretty much like a beast. I love HGH and the addition of it into this cycle is already making itself apparent. Cardio is drastically improved. More than I ever recall in the past.
Pumps are explosive and skin bursting
And strength as of this last week is really climbing daily. No negative sides yet except I'm having a fuck of a time sleeping. But I think the HGH is keeping me refreshed,
Not tired, skin feels smooth as does hair and a good sense of well being.
I have nolva, clomid, letro , aromasin,
Caber and all sorts of other goodies at my disposal. I do also have T3 but don't really like it or how it makes me feel. Heaviest I've ever been was 217 and was pretty thick but fat started climbing. Currently at 212 and much leaner than ever... At this weight. its a 10 lb increase in 4 weeks thus far. Usually at this weight I have fat deposits around my lower chest which isn't too noticeable but still bugs me. This time I have 0 and my pants are getting looser, chest is flat and nips rock hard. shirts hang off shoulders but Measurements are going up! Minus waist

Joints are feeling really good too . Not in a masking way either, feels like my hip flexors and SI joints are looser than ever and back in place, they have been slightly twisted for over a year since a nasty snowboard bail.
Will pct when I feel ready.
Bloodwork and liver panel week 14
Donate blood as I feel the need to, I have ran eq for longer durations before and I know that high RBC feeling. It's uncomfortable .
Feel free to ask any questions.
I won't be updating often, but more so using this as a learning grounds for myself in the future along with other members.
View attachment 111573