ok so i am looking for any suggestions/ advice regarding this training routine.
My goals are to gain 4-5kg lean muscle, and are not sports orientated whatsoever, purely aesthetic.
Monday- CHEST
1. Incline DB Press 4 x6-8
2. Flat DB Press 4x 6-8
3. Incline DB Fly's 4x 8-10
4. Cable Crossovers 3x 8-10
5. Weighted Dips 3 x MAX
6. Lo-Hi Cable Cross over 3 x 8-10
Tuesday- BACK+ ABS
1. Weighted Chins 4x MAX
2. Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 4 x 6-8
3. V-Bar Pulldown 4 x 6-8
4. Bentover BB Row (underhand Grip) 3 x 8-10
5. T-Bar Row 3 x 8-10
6. Incline DB Reverse Fly's 3 x 8-10
7a. Hanging Knee Raises
7b. Rope Crunches
7c. Raised Feet Crunches
Wednesday- LEGS
1. B/B Squats 4 x 6-8
2. Deadlifts 4 x 6-8
3. Seated Leg Press 3 x 8-10
4. Leg Extensions 4 x 8-10
5. Lying Leg Curls 4 x 10-12
6. Standing Calf Raises 3 x 12-15
1. DB Military Press 4 x 6-8
2. DB Arnold Press 4 x 8-10
3. DB Lateral Raise 4 x 8-10
4. E-Z Bar Upright Row 4x 8-10
5. Rear Delt Cable Flys 4x 10-12
6. DB Front Raises 3 x 10-12
7. DB Shrugs 3 x 8-10
Friday- BI's, TRI's + ABS
1. EZ Bar Curls 4 x 6-8
2. Concerntration Curl 4 x 8-10
3. Hammer Curls 4 x8-10
4. Close Grip Curls 3 x 8-12
5. Close Grip Bench 4 x 6-8
6. Tricep Pushdown 4 x 8-10
7. Skull Crushers (French Press) 4 x 8-10
8. Overhead Rope Extension 3 x8-12
9a. Medicine Ball Russian Twist
9b. Oblique Crunch
9c. Broomsticks
1. Clean and Press 5x5
2. BB Deadlifts 5x5
3. Squats 5x5
4. Shrugs 5x5
Sunday- REST
My goals are to gain 4-5kg lean muscle, and are not sports orientated whatsoever, purely aesthetic.
Monday- CHEST
1. Incline DB Press 4 x6-8
2. Flat DB Press 4x 6-8
3. Incline DB Fly's 4x 8-10
4. Cable Crossovers 3x 8-10
5. Weighted Dips 3 x MAX
6. Lo-Hi Cable Cross over 3 x 8-10
Tuesday- BACK+ ABS
1. Weighted Chins 4x MAX
2. Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 4 x 6-8
3. V-Bar Pulldown 4 x 6-8
4. Bentover BB Row (underhand Grip) 3 x 8-10
5. T-Bar Row 3 x 8-10
6. Incline DB Reverse Fly's 3 x 8-10
7a. Hanging Knee Raises
7b. Rope Crunches
7c. Raised Feet Crunches
Wednesday- LEGS
1. B/B Squats 4 x 6-8
2. Deadlifts 4 x 6-8
3. Seated Leg Press 3 x 8-10
4. Leg Extensions 4 x 8-10
5. Lying Leg Curls 4 x 10-12
6. Standing Calf Raises 3 x 12-15
1. DB Military Press 4 x 6-8
2. DB Arnold Press 4 x 8-10
3. DB Lateral Raise 4 x 8-10
4. E-Z Bar Upright Row 4x 8-10
5. Rear Delt Cable Flys 4x 10-12
6. DB Front Raises 3 x 10-12
7. DB Shrugs 3 x 8-10
Friday- BI's, TRI's + ABS
1. EZ Bar Curls 4 x 6-8
2. Concerntration Curl 4 x 8-10
3. Hammer Curls 4 x8-10
4. Close Grip Curls 3 x 8-12
5. Close Grip Bench 4 x 6-8
6. Tricep Pushdown 4 x 8-10
7. Skull Crushers (French Press) 4 x 8-10
8. Overhead Rope Extension 3 x8-12
9a. Medicine Ball Russian Twist
9b. Oblique Crunch
9c. Broomsticks
1. Clean and Press 5x5
2. BB Deadlifts 5x5
3. Squats 5x5
4. Shrugs 5x5
Sunday- REST