Critical Bench Interview with Future
>1) CRITICAL BENCH: Shawn tell us about yourself?
I am 33 years old. I have been lifting since I was 11 years old. I work in sales and advertising along with being a personal trainer in some of our local gyms and online. I have clients on oldschoolbodybuilding.com where I am known as Future. I also
>2) CRITICAL BENCH: What are your best lifts?
Actually my "gym" lifts are great but I always managed to hurt myself in training so honestly unless I do it in a meet I don't care that much. I have deadlifted 810, benched 580 and squat 890 raw. I weighed about 295 or so. I think my best competitive total was around 1500 at 198. It's been a long time since I competed.
>3) CRITICAL BENCH: What powerlifting meets have you competed in?
Indian Summer Classic, Ohio Invitational, couple other small meets that I don't even remember.
>Tell us about all the meets you have competed in one by one and what >each experience was like?
The meets that I did in school were actually pretty lame. I had no idea what I was doing. They don't deserve much mention. The Indian Summer Classic by Jon Smoker was actually pretty cool. It was a small meet but really had so many cool people. It's great that in powerlifting there is still so much sportsmanship. I was pretty hooked after that meet. I had a small right up in Powerlifting USA which felt great being only 18. I got back into lifting with the ADFPA. I qualified for collegiates...and yes I got hurt in training. Mike Overdeer and his wife Angie were awesome. They were so helpful. I loved it. There was a monster there named Sonny Runyon that was just so strong. Great experience. So my powerlifting experience in direct competition is actually pretty lame. I am a bit of a "never was." This next year should be interesting with my injuries healing up.
>4) CRITICAL BENCH: What are your future powerlifting goals?
I'd like to total 2600 at 275. But for now just getting back on the platform after several major injuries and surgeries would be great.
>5) CRITICAL BENCH: Tell us about your friends and mentors in the
>sport of powerlifting and what they mean to you?
Well my old coach Ron Kauffman was amazing getting me started. He helped me with just a couple of tweaks in my squat and then I just took off. Scott Dierckman is the owner of Cardinal Fitness here in Fort Wayne. He is very accommodating to me with my training needs. Local strongman, Doug Bahr, is very encouraging to me. He has alot of knowledge in the sport. And finally my training partner, Tami. She is a bodybuilder but respects my sport. She pushes me. All of these people in my life are great supports. I consider myself really blessed.
>6) CRITICAL BENCH: What separates Shawn from the other
>powerlifters in High School?
I sucked at benching but could squat a bunch. I think I just got it with my training. You can't be afraid with a bar loaded on your back. It's so mental. And I worked all the time on my technique.
>7) CRITICAL BENCH: What advice would you give to other
>powerlifters who would like to compete or who "might" like to compete who are
Contact Sam Byrd. He has some great stuff for RAW powerlifting. He is a total beast squatting over a grand at 198. Same loves the sport. And you should surround yourself with people that are passionate about this endeavor...not concerned with numbers. But no matter what, ever fed has their problems.
>8) CRITICAL BENCH: Away from the sport of powerlifting what is
>your life like? What things do you enjoy doing for fun?
Well, I work in radio so I am pretty busy with that. I love just hanging out with my friends. Coffee shops are my best friend. Nothing better than good coffee and good conversation. I also putz around on the web far too much. I enjoy reading alot of books.
>9) CRITICAL BENCH: Give us your powerlifting routine and diet? (do
>you do cardio too?)
My routine right now is just powerbuilding. I do Doggcrapp training as I heal up. It emphasizes compound exercises in a low volume approach. Once I am in season I will use my Westside ideas although Dante has some thoughts about powerlifting that I am very curious to hear.
My diet is very much like that of the famous DANTE of Doggcrapp training. He is great. I appreciate his love for powerlifting. I keep my fats and carbs seperate in my meals. I get about 400-500 grams of protein a day from www.trueprotein.com where I get various blends. SHB747 saves each person about 5% on their purchases.
Cardio? Yes, I do cardio 3 times a week. Nothing excessive but everyone needs to take care of their heart.
>After you give us your powerlifting routine, we know
>that no routine can work for other so tell us about your philosophy about
>changing your training routine during different times of the year or during
>different years?
I like a powerbodybuilding routine with higher reps during the offseason then work toward a Westside approach once getting 3 -4 months out from a meet.
>10) CRITICAL BENCH: What factors do you mostly think separate the
>best powerlifters in the world from the 700lbs squatters, deadlifters,
>and 450lbs benchers?
Genetics, technique, desire and attention to detail seems to be some key variables for a powerlifters success.
>Lets play a 5 question word game for a minute---
>Who is your favorite powerlifter?
Ed Coan without question!
>What is your favorite thing about powerlifting?
Doing what so few can do.
>What is your least favorite thing about powerlifting?
The politics of the feds. It's stupid. And ALL the feds in themselves. I think have about 50 world champs in the same class from all these feds is lame.
>How do you see the future of powerlifting?
It's on the downside I think. The sport has peaked.
>What highlights of powerliftings past impressed you the most?
Anything with Coan. I love watching Bolton deadlift. Kara B is just a total brute. Becca Swanson is beyond words.
>CRITICAL BENCH: Shawn it was great talking to you. In closing is
>there anything else that you would like to say? Or anyone who you would
>like to thank?
Powerlifting is fun. I hope people don't lose site in being a balanced human being though. We get a little too big for ourselves when we qualify value of a human being because he is stronger or bigger. That is foolish and shallow. Enjoy the sport but enjoy building real relationships and connecting with your community.
I want to thank my training partner Tami Meyers. Old School Bodybuilding has been awesome for me training my clients online. True Protein is always getting me great deals. I am lucky for the relationship. Skip at Intensemuscle.com puts up with my dorky posts but I love the site and really appreciate being there. And thank you to Critical Bench for taking the time to talk to me.
>(Answer those questions and we'll craft your interview to your
>liking and
>we'll publish it up. THANKS- from critical bench!
>1) CRITICAL BENCH: Shawn tell us about yourself?
I am 33 years old. I have been lifting since I was 11 years old. I work in sales and advertising along with being a personal trainer in some of our local gyms and online. I have clients on oldschoolbodybuilding.com where I am known as Future. I also
>2) CRITICAL BENCH: What are your best lifts?
Actually my "gym" lifts are great but I always managed to hurt myself in training so honestly unless I do it in a meet I don't care that much. I have deadlifted 810, benched 580 and squat 890 raw. I weighed about 295 or so. I think my best competitive total was around 1500 at 198. It's been a long time since I competed.
>3) CRITICAL BENCH: What powerlifting meets have you competed in?
Indian Summer Classic, Ohio Invitational, couple other small meets that I don't even remember.
>Tell us about all the meets you have competed in one by one and what >each experience was like?
The meets that I did in school were actually pretty lame. I had no idea what I was doing. They don't deserve much mention. The Indian Summer Classic by Jon Smoker was actually pretty cool. It was a small meet but really had so many cool people. It's great that in powerlifting there is still so much sportsmanship. I was pretty hooked after that meet. I had a small right up in Powerlifting USA which felt great being only 18. I got back into lifting with the ADFPA. I qualified for collegiates...and yes I got hurt in training. Mike Overdeer and his wife Angie were awesome. They were so helpful. I loved it. There was a monster there named Sonny Runyon that was just so strong. Great experience. So my powerlifting experience in direct competition is actually pretty lame. I am a bit of a "never was." This next year should be interesting with my injuries healing up.
>4) CRITICAL BENCH: What are your future powerlifting goals?
I'd like to total 2600 at 275. But for now just getting back on the platform after several major injuries and surgeries would be great.
>5) CRITICAL BENCH: Tell us about your friends and mentors in the
>sport of powerlifting and what they mean to you?
Well my old coach Ron Kauffman was amazing getting me started. He helped me with just a couple of tweaks in my squat and then I just took off. Scott Dierckman is the owner of Cardinal Fitness here in Fort Wayne. He is very accommodating to me with my training needs. Local strongman, Doug Bahr, is very encouraging to me. He has alot of knowledge in the sport. And finally my training partner, Tami. She is a bodybuilder but respects my sport. She pushes me. All of these people in my life are great supports. I consider myself really blessed.
>6) CRITICAL BENCH: What separates Shawn from the other
>powerlifters in High School?
I sucked at benching but could squat a bunch. I think I just got it with my training. You can't be afraid with a bar loaded on your back. It's so mental. And I worked all the time on my technique.
>7) CRITICAL BENCH: What advice would you give to other
>powerlifters who would like to compete or who "might" like to compete who are
Contact Sam Byrd. He has some great stuff for RAW powerlifting. He is a total beast squatting over a grand at 198. Same loves the sport. And you should surround yourself with people that are passionate about this endeavor...not concerned with numbers. But no matter what, ever fed has their problems.
>8) CRITICAL BENCH: Away from the sport of powerlifting what is
>your life like? What things do you enjoy doing for fun?
Well, I work in radio so I am pretty busy with that. I love just hanging out with my friends. Coffee shops are my best friend. Nothing better than good coffee and good conversation. I also putz around on the web far too much. I enjoy reading alot of books.
>9) CRITICAL BENCH: Give us your powerlifting routine and diet? (do
>you do cardio too?)
My routine right now is just powerbuilding. I do Doggcrapp training as I heal up. It emphasizes compound exercises in a low volume approach. Once I am in season I will use my Westside ideas although Dante has some thoughts about powerlifting that I am very curious to hear.
My diet is very much like that of the famous DANTE of Doggcrapp training. He is great. I appreciate his love for powerlifting. I keep my fats and carbs seperate in my meals. I get about 400-500 grams of protein a day from www.trueprotein.com where I get various blends. SHB747 saves each person about 5% on their purchases.
Cardio? Yes, I do cardio 3 times a week. Nothing excessive but everyone needs to take care of their heart.
>After you give us your powerlifting routine, we know
>that no routine can work for other so tell us about your philosophy about
>changing your training routine during different times of the year or during
>different years?
I like a powerbodybuilding routine with higher reps during the offseason then work toward a Westside approach once getting 3 -4 months out from a meet.
>10) CRITICAL BENCH: What factors do you mostly think separate the
>best powerlifters in the world from the 700lbs squatters, deadlifters,
>and 450lbs benchers?
Genetics, technique, desire and attention to detail seems to be some key variables for a powerlifters success.
>Lets play a 5 question word game for a minute---
>Who is your favorite powerlifter?
Ed Coan without question!
>What is your favorite thing about powerlifting?
Doing what so few can do.
>What is your least favorite thing about powerlifting?
The politics of the feds. It's stupid. And ALL the feds in themselves. I think have about 50 world champs in the same class from all these feds is lame.
>How do you see the future of powerlifting?
It's on the downside I think. The sport has peaked.
>What highlights of powerliftings past impressed you the most?
Anything with Coan. I love watching Bolton deadlift. Kara B is just a total brute. Becca Swanson is beyond words.
>CRITICAL BENCH: Shawn it was great talking to you. In closing is
>there anything else that you would like to say? Or anyone who you would
>like to thank?
Powerlifting is fun. I hope people don't lose site in being a balanced human being though. We get a little too big for ourselves when we qualify value of a human being because he is stronger or bigger. That is foolish and shallow. Enjoy the sport but enjoy building real relationships and connecting with your community.
I want to thank my training partner Tami Meyers. Old School Bodybuilding has been awesome for me training my clients online. True Protein is always getting me great deals. I am lucky for the relationship. Skip at Intensemuscle.com puts up with my dorky posts but I love the site and really appreciate being there. And thank you to Critical Bench for taking the time to talk to me.
>(Answer those questions and we'll craft your interview to your
>liking and
>we'll publish it up. THANKS- from critical bench!