Rack up tons of bills, then declare bankruptcy. If companies can do it, why not an individual...
(btw: this is true, the more in debt you are, the easier it is to get bankruptcy. Or just say fuck it and let obama bail you and the creditors out).
If your credit card company and it's lenders gets even 1 cent of your taxpayers money from the govt.
You are under no obligation to pay anything back. Otherwise you're giving them double profit.
Seriously, how laughable it is to be in debt $500k and it's "okay" and "normal" nowadays, but be in debt $22k and it's so horrible. Especially when it's the fat old banker fucks who fucked up the economy around you. Why should you suffer?
If you have no intention of using credit again (and if you do, no biggee everyone else' credit score is fucked everywhere, making credit scores meaningless) -- why on earth are you making 1 cent? Food or MasterCard's Wall St Lenders? Hmm.
btw: The govt bails you out by bailing out the people who gave you money. Look at how people are fucking banks out of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars (makes your credit card bills look like ants). House = Credit Card = Debt Same thing, debt is debt. But if the Govt can bail out homeowners, they can also bailout credit card owners (and they are, they're called Banks. Visa/Orchard doesn't give you squat, they're just the frontline of a huge system).