I have been eating 5-6 times a day as clean as I possibly can...I kinda do a "jill" carb rotation...if on some days I crave more carbs, I eat them. I just know with me if I restrict too heavy, I'll end up eating 6 bagels at one sitting.
I have 4 lift days, legs, shoulders/tris, back, chest. I don't train biceps on their own because they seem to get enough from the 2 lat machines I use. I do weighted abs about 3 times a week.
I do cardio 5 times a week alternating between short intense sessions and longer mid-intense ones. I have started doing the interval sprints on the elliptical machine and whoa, I can feel it.
I'm in sales so I never really know what kind of schedule I am going to have week to week....so I just try do do the best I can with the time I do have.