Hi!I am new and hope no one minds me jumping in here but after reading all the posts,I had a couple tips and since I am one that is out to loose as well,well i hope noone minds..I have to keep my cardio 2x a day at 45 mins..And I notice Aries that cardio is a difficult point for you but here is what I do and of course what works for one doesn't always work for the other,since I work out at home.I use different methods for cardio.If I am tired a day then I walk,still cardio.But I also buy dvds that are fun but will work my butt off.I tried at one time to do the same kind of cardio but to results so I sat down and read up on some different things and thought to myself IF your body can become immune to supplements after awhile,and you will hit a block then the same has to go for training.Or anything else you body gets used to..So,i do something for cardio different everyday.I have a whole collection of The Firm dvd's.Now some think this is easy,wrong!There are ones for step,there is another for all over sculpt and this lady has you doing ,squats,lunges,abs and cardio.So,you get interval.And your body doesnt know what hit it.But it stays fun and your mind does not stay focused on the fact that this is cardio and your tired.But always keep your mind on the muscle you are working,if its glutes then pay close attention to feel that muscle working,put your hand on it to make sure you feel the squeeze.Also,and this is just a suggestion 30 mins before cardio,try maybe half of a protein shake.I know someone else brought that up but didn't see it in your eating plan. The best thing I ever learned was your body needs that fuel..and 30 before and after give your body what it needs.Now,I have seen alot of protein shakes on here,which by theway,I am on a HIGH protein meal,so I know when you say your tired of tuna,lol But I get a shake created by dorian yates called ProMS.It is low fat,low carb and tastes good.I have those 3 times a day But I also add less then half of a banana because I know my potassium levels will drop and with the nanner with with help..Sometimes a reason I can't sleep or cramp up at times. I also down the spinach,3 times a day..Helps a great deal in passing that protein on days,lets just say my system is being stubborn and a high protein diet you will run into that.As I said this is just what works for me and if something in there might help you then great!I give you much props in even getting in shape but more for getting on stage!!!
Oh I know what I forgot,lol..when I do my cardio,I make sure I SWEAT!!I wear a sweatshirt with a hood..Sweating helps a great deal and you will take notice to that..Ok,well back to my little black hole...lol
Good luck to everyone!You ladies have been a big help and plus to me in my quest!