Gambino_Von_Moltke said:Enough time has passed between then and now that I can confidently share this tale of drunken immaturity and woe...I've proly shagged around 35-40 chicas, and 3 of them have been confirmed fatties. Not a little fatty, not pleasently plump, full bore fatty, rolls and all. For the most part it was dark so I didn't see the crime I was committing, so that makes it a bit better...regardless, the dirt has been done. Here's a good bro's tale.
Picture it, a cold and wintery Michigan night. I was just about to turn 25, graduated school about a year, and I was back in my hometown for a evening. Went to the pub, got shitty, and went to a friends house for a after hours party. Right when I got to the party this little jew chic (the only jewish peeps in northern michigan i think) was flirting and I was thinking i could get some tang. A hour or so into gaming i could see this was going no where...she was obviously a good gal and I was looking for instant gratification that only a fatty could provide. Outside, on the deck, I noticed my boy in the huttub with two broads...the one broad he was gaming on I knew. She was a notorious slut and I figured that her friend would have to be one as well. Sluts are pack animals, feeding and surviving as a pack. So I figured my chances were good and i went out and jumped in. Both of these gals were topless and all you could see was their tits.
So I chilled for a minute, not really trying to seem to interested...the party was still bumping and a lot of my friends were inside. Had they known what I was up to they would've busted my balls big time so I wanted to play innocent. I stepped out to roll a spliff and immediatly caught hell from some of my friends:
"what the hell are you doing with those fatties?? hahahahha"
"fuck that, I'm just relaxing in the hot tub, no big deal"
Luckily the majority of them left and i was able to slip back in the tub with minimal damage done to the rep. We smoked, and right after the fatty began sliding closer to me. Since their was a lotta bubbles I couldn't see my hands...but when a fatty sausage finger kept on brushing against my leg, i figured it was the fatty scamming. Eventually this led to her taking my hand and placing it on her beav. I worked the button for a bit and she let out a sigh of pleasure. Immediatly my boy started lol'ing, but i didn't feel too bad, he was just as guilty with his own fatty.
So here I am, finger blasting this fatty in a hot tub, when she started jerking me off. Any guilt or doubt was immediatly out the window, I knew then and their that i was slaying this fatty. She whispered that I should leave with them and go to her house. I was like cool, let's do it so we got outta the tub. Since i had never seen homegirl before and the bubbles and water were covering up her body, I was eager to see her body outside the tub. I was hoping for the best, but i got the worst. Homegal was large all over. Real big tits, real big ass, and unfortunatly a gut that would rival stringbean's. A gut so big that it covered up her thong and i couldn't tell what color it was. I've never been good with guessing weight but it was at least 2bills and some change. Regardless, I was committed. Now i had to make a clean get away. Though most of my commrades had split the home owner and a few others were still up and around. As I made my way to the fatties car my boy was like were the hell you going? I tried to play it off like i was just going home, no big deal, but he knew what was up and was lol'ing big time.
So we got in the car and it was just like a fatty's car should be. Food wrappers everywhere, shitty cig butts on the ground, real classless. My boy and his fatty were pilot and co-pilot, me and my fatty were in the back seat. Thinking i had some minutes before game time I slapped in a phat snuff of copenhagen. Soon after, on the drive, homegirl just started kissing me. I tried to pull away but she was having none of it, sucking my face like a hoover vaccum. Trying not to spit tobacco in her mouth, every few minutes i pulled away and spit on the floor. I made some excuse to stop at the quickimart and bought some rubbers.
When we got to her house I knew I was on the wrong side of the tracks. It was the HUD housing area, the place my momma always warned me about. Inside their was kids toys everywhere...dirty ass broken toys and cheap county fair stuffed animals. My boy went into the guest room, and I into the main bedroom. This is when things got dirrttty.
Homegirl fatty took off her shirt and turned her back to me. I could see the classless tramp stamp and sleazy thong, but it was too late. The lights were cut out and once again she was working the wood, this time more vigorusly than before. I reached down for a rubber and was gonna put it on when she said the fabled "you don't need that, I'm clean." Being a dumbass I wanted to believe so i began to bareback. Her fatty sausage link hands firmly gripped my buttchecks, forcing me deeper and deeper. She had came a few times real fast and i figured my work was done so I was set to blow it. Not wanting to impregenate her, i pulled out and blew it all over her fatty tits. Of course she rubbed it in and claimed to like it lol. I figured that was that, laid down, and tried to pass out. Before i could do so, homegal starting blowing the knob, porno style slurping and burping it down. W/o requesting it, she began to toss my salad, a first time for that. This went on for a few minutes and i was back in the game, this time hitting it from behind. As I was doggin it she told me to play with her ass. It was dark but i knew that wasn't something i wanted to do. Her ass looked like a big gaping axe wound and i'm sure it didn't smell so hott so i ignored her request and continued what i was doing. But because she had a large gunt (area above gash below navel) the pressure on her nanni made it hard for me to work it. So i flipped the cow over, put her tree trunk legs on my shoulders, and knocked that shit home. lol I'll never forget her orgasm noises, they were so loud and obniouxs.
"ohh yes, fuck my pussy, fuck my pussy!!" She screamed over and over again, to the point i was lol'ing. I couldn't nut, by this time the sun was coming up and i was starting to sober up and observe my disgusting surroundings. So i told her to toss my salad again and I manualed myself to an orgasm while she ate up my ass.
I set my watch alarm for real early so i could make a quick and easy exit. When I awoke i had the worst hangover...I looked around at the disgrace i had become. Surrounded by cheap toys, with a fatty's arm draped over my shoulder, fat butt checks glistening in the morning sun rays. I awoke my buddy and got the fuck out, hoping and praying never to see homegirl again.
So the next night I went out again, thinking nothing of my embarrassing late night endeavour. Homegal had mentioned she had to work this evening so i figured I was in the clear and would not see her. So I'm out again, spitting respectable game and hanging with all my friends and their parents at this ski club. When out of nowhere, i felt fatty sausage link fingers grab my ass. BAM, right behind me was homegirl
"ohhh i had so much fun last night i wanna do it again![]()
"hummm, my girlfriend is here tonight, lemme call you later"
but the damage was already done. A table of commrades witnessed the whole episode and immediatly began to bust balls. I was red faced and tried to play if off but to no avail. The end
oh yeah, months later i took a test and found out i had the clap. yaya!
You didn't graduate college until you were 24?!!!????