No offense, but the guy is trying to run a business. Dumbbells aren't cheap and in this situation DB’s that heavy wouldn't be used often enough to justify buying them. Once your term runs out migrate to a bigger gym that will suit your needs.
How could he ever hope to get more memberships if he doesn't give the people what they want or need. I could get the guy 5 more memberships myself but I told some of my buddies to forget it. The guy has every nautilus piece of crap known to man, over 40 digital readout bikes, over 20 treadmills, 11 stairmasters. It took him over 3 months to fix the smith rack. If he wanted to get them he could. I'm sure if we were fat and showed up once a month we could probably get him to buy some new belly buster 2000. Anyway you are correct in that I am letting my membership run out and getting the hell out of that wannabe gym. can't wait til August.
most gyms just dont cater to the heavy lifters and dont like them. As a business decision he probably makes sense and if he doesnt have any local competition maybe you guys will stay anyways. bottom line is $$$$$$ of course...not your ability to train with the 150s
most gyms just dont cater to the heavy lifters and dont like them. As a business decision he probably makes sense and if he doesnt have any local competition maybe you guys will stay anyways. bottom line is $$$$$$ of course...not your ability to train with the 150s
I understand that. The thing is the guys that lift the most in this gym are all good helpful guys. We all help anybody that asks with their workouts. New guys come up to us and say"so and so said you guys would show me the correct way to squat" or whatever. We were all talking today that we should just tell all these guys how crappy of a gym this is and not worth it. There are some very dedicated younger guys in there that will be as high or higher than some of us soon. I guess this will be the next batch to go. There are plenty of gyms around here, this one was just the closest, obviously not the best.