mrstein said:
#2 I tell them up front i travel a lot been all over the world plus not to mention i am in the tanning salon business several stores with hundreds of girls coming in on a daily ,,,so you do the math if you are with me knowing what i do how much i travel it doesnt take a fucking einstein to figure out that i am going to fuck other women .....
so you liberals out there TAKE NOTE: You will be cheated on.
Ps all wealthy married men have girlfreinds and yes your husband does TOOOOO
#1, plain and simple, your a MAN-WHORE.
#2, Quit thinking so highly of yourself, you are not God's gift to all women.
#3, I work in the trucking business and I see hundreds of men (non of whom are anywhere near good-looking or have intelligence) and you don't see me fucking around with them.
#4, Why don't you just stick to what you're doing, and obviously its all you do, FUCK AROUND WITH WOMEN. You are the type of guy that only likes to have a woman around to screw, and when the "next best thing" walks in shakin' her ass atchya, you chase after her.
Also, NO, we all will NOT be cheated on because not everyone is scum and I know for a fact that my boyfriend along with myself have higher standards. No matter how much money you make, to some people, money does not compare to love. Love is stronger, for those who believe. Money is just an extra "additive" to the marriage...........well, I mean, you have to have money, but you don't have to be Hefner rich. Not everyone is like you, not everyone holds the title of the "Man Slut of the Year" award. Am I being mean, yes. Am I taking this too far? Maybe, but what you have just said pisses me can you think we are all like you?
Expect to get flamed by others here when you're the one who started the thread, and you know we are going to express our opinions when you ask a broad question and make a bold statement.